Welcome to Digiteq.
I’m Vašek and I work here as a SW/System architect.
If you want, I’ll show you around the company.

I’d like to welcome you aboard the SW architects team. The growing complexity of software systems inside and outside the car puts increasing demands on the development teams that develop new functions in these systems. At Digiteq, such teams are backed by software architects. Now, let me briefly present my work in the area of SW architecture.

As a SW architect, I’m in charge of preparing and modifying the architecture of both new and existing SW projects in serial development and pre-development at Digiteq. During my doctoral studies, I dealt with image recognition, and I am also working on this topic in customer projects within the VW group. I am currently working on architecture and pre-development of algorithms for the detection of obstacles behind the car, and subsequent automatic braking while reversing. This SW is currently in serial development.

If you apply for the position of SW architect, it is possible that we will meet at the interview. We have put together a team of really nice people in our functional software development team. Mutual support is very important in our company. We are looking for someone who, besides technical knowledge, will be on the same wavelength as we are.

What I appreciate
and what you can enjoy too

At Digiteq, I especially appreciate mutual respect with my colleagues and superiors, along with the flexibility that allows me to do my job, and all while being an active dad who doesn’t just get to see his children in the evening.

There are more reasons to work with us, and you will certainly choose from the other benefits that we have available.

7.5h work day
The opportunity to see the results of your work actually driving on the roads
Further education and professional and personal development
How do we have fun, and what’s important for us in our lives?
We are interested in similar things and we share a sense of humour. So we like to meet outside work. Of course, this is not mandatory. Those who want to, come along...
It was a pleasure for me
to guide you through our company.
Perhaps we will meet in person soon.
We’re holding a place for you.

It was a pleasure for me
to guide you through our company. Perhaps we will meet in person soon.
We’re holding a place for you.

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